Special Projects
Special Projects



Mine Disposal Systems

With a growing demand to build civilian structures in offshore environments the likelihood of encountering UxO (unexploded ordnance) underwater has increased over recent years. 

CobraMDS® is specifically designed to prosecute unexploded ordnance of this kind in a reliable, controlled and effective manner. 

With a unique operating envelope and a simple deployment mechanism (from a variety of surface platforms including ships, RhiBs as well as shore launching) it is a highly useful tool for eradicating this threat to civilian building projects.

CobraMDS® is able to clear mines and unexploded underwater ordnance in both civilian and defence contexts.

CobraMDS® is able to remove UxO threat in support of offshore construction programs including renewable energy wind farms, hydro electrics, cables and pipelines in support of the oil and gas industry.

The Standard Cobra Kit consists of the following:

  • 1 x Cobra Cowl
  • 2 x NAU
  • 2 x NAU Buoyancy Rings
  • 2 x NAU Trim Weight Pack
  • 2 x NAU Retaining Rings
  • 2 x Safety Clip/Cocking Tool
  • 2 x BX-90
  • 2 x BX-90 Buoyancy Rings
  • 2 x Detonator retaining Ring
  • 1 x Flintlock
  • 1 x Bungee Cord

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